# Configuration

# Adding configuration files

In order for your project to communicate with your own API and to customize the appearance, basic functions and language versions of the application, you must first configure your project. The necessary files can be found in the examples/example/config folder.

# API configuration

Create api.js file in src/config directory. You may use template located in examples/example/config/api.js. Here you can configure the parameters needed to connect to the API.

# src/config/api.js:

export default {
    url: 'http://crm-api.id-a.pl/',
    path: {
        default: 'api',
        storage: 'storage/',
        upload: 'files/file-upload'


  • url - Your API domain, eg.
  • path.default - path to API on defined domain. The 'api' value means that appplication will be request to address:
  • path.storage - path to file storage on defined domain
  • path.upload - path to file upload system

If you don't have prepared your own API yet, you can use default configuration first and connect to the API located at the address: http://crm-api.id-a.pl/

# Project configuration

The examples/example/config folder also contains the main.js file. Copy it to src/config and adapt it to the needs of your project.

# src/config/main.js:

export default {
    title: "Vue CRUD",
    locales: [{
            name: 'en',
            text: 'English'
            name: 'pl',
            text: 'Polski'
    defaultLocale: 'en',
    primaryTheme: 'dark',
    secondaryTheme: 'dark',
    theme: {
        primary: '#34495e',
        secondary: '#41b883',
        accent: '#82B1FF',
        error: '#FF5252',
        info: '#2196F3',
        success: '#4CAF50',
        warning: '#FFC107'


  • title - Your project title. It will be visible on toolbar and browser's tab.
  • locales - List of language versions available in your application.
  • defaultLocale - Default locale.
  • localeSelectable - If true, user will be able to choose the language version on the login page and after logging in.
  • theme - object of themes' colours used by Vuetify. See documentation.
  • primaryTheme, secondaryTheme - Information on whether the theme is dark or light. Possible values are 'dark' or ''.


Create crud.js file in src/config directory. You may use template located in examples/example/config/crud.js. Here you can set default CRUD configuration and add functions for custom display table fields.

# src/config/crud.js:

export default {
  activityColumnName: 'active',
  primaryKey: 'id',
  deleteMode: 'soft',
  editButton: true,
  createMode: true,
  editMode: true,
  mainFilter: true,
  fieldFilter: true,
  exportButton: true,
  refreshButton: true,
  selectManyMode: true,
  updateManyMode: true,
  removeManyMode: true,
  fieldModifiers: {
    dateFromTimestamp: (param) => {
        return param.substring(0, 10)
    timeFromTimestamp: (param) => {
        let tmp = param || ''
        return tmp.substring(0, 5)
    datetimeFromTimestamp: (param) => {
        return '<nobr>' + param.substring(0, 19) + '</nobr>'
    croppedText: (param) => {
        return (param == null || param.length < 100) ? param : param.substring(0, 100) + '...'
    list: (param) => {
        return param ? param.map(obj => obj.tableList).join(', ') : ''
    listTasks: (param) => {
        return param ? param.map(obj => {
            return obj.task.name
        }).join('<br>') : ''
    lastReset: (param) => {
        if (param.length > 0) {
            return '<nobr>' + param[param.length - 1].reset_time.substring(0, 19) + '</nobr>'


  • activityColumnName - default: 'active' CRUD.vue component's activityColumnName property value,
  • primaryKey - default: 'id' CRUD.vue component's primaryKey property value,
  • deleteMode - default: 'soft' CRUD.vue component's deleteMode property value,
  • editButton - default: true CRUD.vue component's editButton property value,
  • createMode - default: true CRUD.vue component's createMode property value,
  • editMode - default: true CRUD.vue component's editMode property value,
  • mainFilter - default: true CRUD.vue component's mainFilter property value,
  • fieldFilter - default: true CRUD.vue component's fieldFilter property value,
  • exportButton - default: true CRUD.vue component's exportButton property value,
  • refreshButton - default: true CRUD.vue component's refreshButton property value,
  • selectManyMode - default: true CRUD.vue component's selectManyMode property value,
  • updateManyMode - default: true CRUD.vue component's updateManyMode property value,
  • removeManyMode - default: true CRUD.vue component's removeManyMode property value,
  • fieldModifiers - default: {} - Object with list of functions modifying the contents of fields in the table

# Authentication

Create auth.js file in src/config directory. You may use template located in examples/example/config/auth.js. Here you can set default authentication configuration.

# src/config/auth.js:

export default {
  api: '',
  prefix: 'auth',
  paths: {
    login: 'login',
    logout: 'logout',
    getUser: 'user',
    refreshToken: 'refresh-token',
    editUser: 'user',
    changePassword: 'user-password'
  loginWithEmail: true,
  loginFieldName: 'email',
  loginEditable: true,
  loginMinLength: 4,
  loginMaxLength: 100,
  loginRegex: /^\w+([.-]?\w+)*@\w+([.-]?\w+)*(\.\w{2,3})+$/,
  passwordFieldName: 'password',
  passwordEditable: true,
  passwordMinLength: 1,
  passwordMaxLength: 100,
  customFields: [
      name: 'name',
      regex: /^.{0,100}$/,
      editable: true,
      minLength: 0,
      maxLength: 100,
      required: true


  • api - default: url + path.default (from api.js file) joined fith slash - root url to authentication system API,
  • prefix - default: undefined - next element of auth API url (after api property). It may be helpful if authentication system uses the same API as whole application. Then you can set only url property in api.js file and prefix property in auth.js file,
  • paths - default:
      login: 'login',
      logout: 'logout',
      getUser: 'user',
      refreshToken: 'refresh-token',
      editUser: 'user',
      changePassword: 'password'
    an object with a list of paths to individual resources. Eg. if api equals https://your-app.com, prefix is auth, then path to edit user data will be: 'https://your-app.com/auth/user',
  • loginWithEmail - default: true - information if application have to use e-mail regex for validation,
  • loginFieldName - default: 'email' - name of login field needed to communication with API,
  • loginEditable - default: true - information if user can edit his login,
  • loginMinLength - default: 4 - min length of user's login. Property is needed during login changing,
  • loginMaxLength - default: 100 - max length of user's login. Property is needed during login changing,
  • loginRegex - default: /^\w+([.-]?\w+)*@\w+([.-]?\w+)*(\.\w{2,3})+$/ or /^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$/ if loginWithEmail property is set to false - property needed to new login validation,
  • passwordFieldName - default: 'password' - name of password field needed to communication with API,
  • passwordEditable - default: true - information if user can edit his password,
  • passwordMinLength - default: 8 - min length of user's password. Property is needed during password changing,
  • passwordMaxLength - default: 100 - max length of user's password. Property is needed during password changing,
  • customFields - default: [] (empty array) - list of other user's fields (except of login and password). These fields will be shown on user's profile form. Properties:
    • name - default: undefined - name of field needed to communication with API,
    • editable - default: true - information if user can modify this field,
    • required - default: undefined - information if field is obligatory,
    • regex - default: /^.{0,100}$/,
    • min - default: 0 - min length of field. Property is needed during field changing,
    • max - default: 100 - max length of field. Property is needed during field changing,

# Custom store (Vuex) modules

Create store-modules.js file in src/config directory. You may use template located in examples/example/config/store-modules.js. Here you can add your own modules to the Vuex store.

# src/config/store-modules.js:

// custom modules
import customModule from '@/routes/main/routes/custom-module/store/'

export default {

# Preparing the project

The last step before running the application is to add the public folder, language versions and application modules with the router to your project. All necessary files can be found in the examples folder. First, you can add these files without modifications to serve projects and then start with your customization.

# Public folder

Copy examples/example/public folder with the content to your project main directory. In this folder you can customize eg. your index.html, favicon or robots.txt file.

# Main file

Create main.js file in src directory. This file should look like that:

import Vue from 'vue'
import i18n from './locales/index'
import router from './router'
import store from './store'
import vuetify from './plugins/vuetify'
import './registerServiceWorker'
import './plugins/http'
import './plugins/ie'
import './plugins/custom/'
import App from './App.vue'

Vue.http.interceptors.push((request, next) => {
  if (localStorage.getItem('token')) {
    request.headers.set('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + localStorage.getItem('token'))
  next(response => {
    if (response.status === 400 || response.status === 401 || response.status === 403) {
      router.push({ path: '/login' })

new Vue({
  render: h => h(App)

# Locales

Copy examples/example/locales content to the src/locales. Here you can define translations for locales used in your project. The contents of the folder should look like:

├─ index.js
├─ vuetify.js
├─ en
│  ├─ index.js
│  ├─ alerts.js
│  ├─ login.js
│  └─ routes.js
├─ locale2
│  ├─ index.js
│  ├─ alerts.js
│  ├─ login.js
│  └─ routes.js
└─ locale3
   ├─ index.js
   ├─ alerts.js
   ├─ login.js
   └─ routes.js

Then your src/locales/index.js file will look like this:

import Vue from 'vue'
import VueI18n from 'vue-i18n'
import store from '@/store/index.js'

import en from './en/index.js'
import locale2 from './locale2/index.js'
import locale3 from './locale3/index.js'


const messages = {
  en: en,
  locale2: locale2,
  locale3: locale3,

export default new VueI18n({
  locale: store.getters.lng,

src/locales/vuetify.js is a file with default translations for Vuetify components. If you use other. If you only use English in your application, you can leave this file empty. Otherwise, import the appropriate translations from the vuetify library and export them (here is list of pre-made translations):

import pl from 'vuetify/src/locale/pl.ts'

export default {

You can also define translations yourself:

const pl = {
  close: 'Zamknij',
  dataIterator: {
    noResultsText: 'Nie znaleziono danych odpowiadających wyszukiwaniu',
    loadingText: 'Wczytywanie danych...',
  dataTable: {
    itemsPerPageText: 'Wierszy na stronie:',
    ariaLabel: {
      sortDescending: ': Sortowanie malejąco. Kliknij aby zmienić.',
      sortAscending: ': Sortowanie rosnąco. Kliknij aby zmienić.',
      sortNone: ': Bez sortowania. Kliknij aby posortować rosnąco.',
    sortBy: 'Sortuj według',
  dataFooter: {
    itemsPerPageText: 'Pozycji na stronie:',
    itemsPerPageAll: 'Wszystkie',
    nextPage: 'Nastęna strona',
    prevPage: 'Poprzednia strona',
    firstPage: 'Pierwsza strona',
    lastPage: 'Ostatnia strona',
    pageText: '{0}-{1} z {2}',
  datePicker: {
    itemsSelected: '{0} dat(y)',
  noDataText: 'Brak danych',
  carousel: {
    prev: 'Poprzedni obraz',
    next: 'Następny obraz',
    ariaLabel: {
      delimiter: 'Carousel slide {0} of {1}',
  calendar: {
    moreEvents: '{0} więcej',
  fileInput: {
    counter: 'Liczba plików: {0}',
    counterSize: 'Liczba plików: {0} (łącznie {1})',
  timePicker: {
    am: 'AM',
    pm: 'PM',

export default {

# Routes

The last step is add some modules to your project. To do this, copy routes directory and router.js file from the examples/example folder to the src location.

Then your src/router.js file will look like this:

import Vue from 'vue'
import Router from 'vue-router'
// import here your pages and child routers, e.g.:
// import App from './routes/app/Index'
// import appRoutes from './routes/app/router.js'


const router = new Router({
  routes: [
    // your routes

export default router

# Running the project

Now, when your project is ready, you can serve it in dev mode:

yarn serve
npm run serve

...or build it:

yarn build
npm run build