# CRUD component

# Import:

import Crud from '@/utils/crud/components/Crud.vue'

# Props:

Name Description Type Required Default
prefix - String false null
path - String false null
paths - Object false -
fieldsInfo Array of objects ( See list of available properties ) Array false -
detailsTitle - String false -
pageTitle - String false -
editButton - Boolean false crud.editButton
deleteMode - String false crud.deleteMode
customHeaderButtons - Array false
customButtons - Array false
meta - Array false
itemElements - Object false -
watchForCreation - Boolean false false
primaryKey - String false crud.primaryKey
activeColumnName - String false crud.activityColumnName
mode (obsolete) 'ClientSide' or 'ServerSide' String false 'ClientSide'
itemsView See list of available properties Object false {type: 'table', mode: 'client'}
createMode - Boolean false crud.createMode === undefined ? true : crud.createMode
editMode - Boolean false crud.editMode === undefined ? true : crud.editMode
mainFilter - Boolean false crud.mainFilter === undefined ? true : crud.mainFilter
fieldFilters - Boolean false crud.fieldFilters === undefined ? true : crud.fieldFilters
exportButton - Boolean false crud.exportButton === undefined ? true : crud.exportButton
refreshButton - Boolean false crud.refreshButton === undefined ? true : crud.refreshButton
selectManyMode - Boolean false crud.selectManyMode === undefined ? true : crud.selectManyMode
updateManyMode - Boolean false crud.updateManyMode === undefined ? true : crud.updateManyMode
removeManyMode - Boolean false crud.removeManyMode === undefined ? true : crud.removeManyMode
itemDetailsWidth - Any false 600

# Slots:

Name Description Default Slot Content Slot scope
list-item-field:[name] Slot for custom list item field template ListItemField component { value, item }
item-details-title - Title { title }
item-details-over-fields - - -
item-details-field:[name] Slot for custom item details field template ItemDetailsField component *See below
item-details-under-fields - - -
item-details-custom-actions - - -

If standard configuration of Crud component is not enough for you, you can customize it with slots:


    <!-- Example of slot usage: -->
    <template #item-details-under-fields>
      Lorem ipsum...


# list-item-field:[name]

Dynamic slot for selected field in table/tree.

Slot scope: { value, item, }


<template #list-item-field:name="{ value }">
  <span style="color:red;">{{ value }}</span>

# item-details-title

Slot for dialog title.

Slot scope: { title }

Default template:

    {{ details.action == 'multiedit' ? $t('global.details.multipleUpdateTitle') : title }}


<template #item-details-title="{ title }">
    {{ title }}

# item-details-over-fields

Slot for content over the item fields.

Slot scope: {}


<template #item-details-over-fields>
    Lorem ipsum...

# item-details-field:[name]

Dynamic slot for selected field.

Slot scope: { value, fieldType, field, reload, rules, changeValue, }


<template #item-details-field:name="{ value, changeValue }">
        style="border: 1px solid black"
<template #item-details-field:code="{ value, changeValue }">
        style="border: 1px solid black; color: white; background-color: red;"

# item-details-under-fields

Slot for content under the item fields.

Slot scope: {}


<template #item-details-under-fields>
    Lorem ipsum...

# item-details-custom-actions

Slot for custom actions.

Slot scope: {}


<template #item-details-custom-actions>
    <button>Custom action</button>

# Example:


  import Crud from '@/utils/crud/components/Crud.vue'

  export default {
    data() {
      return {
        prefix: 'crm',
        path: 'company-files',
        pageTitle: 'crm.companyFiles',
        meta: [{
          name: 'path',
    computed: {
      fieldsInfo() {
        return [{
            text: this.$t('fields.id'),
            name: 'id',
            details: false,
            type: 'select',
            url: 'crm/companies',
            list: {
              value: 'id',
              text: 'common_name',
              data: []
            column: 'company_id',
            text: this.$t('fields.company'),
            name: 'company',
            apiObject: {
              name: 'company.common_name',
            type: 'file',
            column: 'file',
            text: this.$t('fields.file'),
            name: 'file',
            textMode: 'file',
            multiedit: false
            type: 'file',
            column: 'file_2',
            text: this.$t('fields.file2'),
            name: 'file_2',
            textMode: 'file',
            multiedit: false
            type: 'textarea',
            column: 'description',
            text: this.$t('fields.description'),
            name: 'description',
            required: false
    methods: {},
    components: {
    i18n: {
      messages: {
        en: {
          detailsTitle: 'File',
          fields: {
            id: 'Id',
            company: 'Company',
            file: 'File',
            file2: 'File 2',
            description: 'Description',
            type: 'File type',
            size: 'Size'

# Extended details

# Import:

import ItemDetailsContainer from "@/utils/crud/components/ItemDetailsContainer.vue"

import ItemDetailsContainerMixin from "@/utils/crud/mixins/item-details-container.js"

# Props:

Name Description Type Required Default
fields - false -
basicInformation - false -
title - false -

# Slots:

Name Description Default Slot Content Slot scope
default - - -
item-details-field:[name] Slot for custom item details field template ItemDetailsField component *See below

# default

Slot for content you want to display in extended item details

Slot scope: {}


<template #default>

or just


# item-details-field:[name]

Dynamic slot for selected field.

Slot scope: { value, fieldType, field, reload, rules, changeValue, }


<template #item-details-field:name="{ value, changeValue }">
        style="border: 1px solid black"

# Example:

    <!-- Slot - tabs on right side -->
    <v-tab key="positions" ripple>{{ $t('positions') }}</v-tab>
    <v-tab key="comments" ripple>{{ $t('comments') }}</v-tab>
    <!-- Positions -->
    <v-tab-item key="positions">...</v-tab-item>
    <!-- Comments -->
    <v-tab-item key="comments">...</v-tab-item>

  import ItemDetailsContainer from "@/utils/crud/components/ItemDetailsContainer.vue"
  import ItemDetailsContainerMixin from "@/utils/crud/mixins/item-details-container.js"

  // Component to fill tabs on the right side
  import CompanyPositions from './CompanyPositions.vue'
  import CompanyComments from './CompanyComments.vue'

  export default {
    mixins: [ItemDetailsContainerMixin],
    components: {
    created() {
    i18n: {
      messages: {
        pl: {
          title: 'Szczegóły firmy',
          basicInformation: 'Dane podstawowe',
          positions: 'Stanowiska',
          comments: 'Komentarze',
          files: 'Pliki',
        en: {
          title: 'Company details',
          basicInformation: 'Basic information',
          positions: 'Positions',
          comments: 'Comments',
          files: 'Files',


# Children

# Import:

import CompanyPositionsChildMixin from "@/utils/crud/mixins/child.js"

import ChildrenTable from "@/utils/crud/components/ChildrenTable.vue"

import ChildDetails from "@/utils/crud/components/ChildDetails.vue"

# Example:

        :table-data="childrenList(fileteredTableFields, [], 'id', childItemName, 'active')"

import FieldsInfoMixin from '../../positions/mixins/fields.js'
import LocalesMixin from '../../positions/mixins/locales.js'
import ChildElementsMixin from "../../positions/mixins/item-elements.js";
import CompanyPositionsChildMixin from "@/utils/crud/mixins/child.js";
import ChildrenTable from "@/utils/crud/components/ChildrenTable.vue";
import ChildDetails from "@/utils/crud/components/ChildDetails.vue";
import ItemElements from '@/utils/crud/components/ItemElements.vue'

export default {
  mixins: [FieldsInfoMixin, LocalesMixin, ChildElementsMixin, CompanyPositionsChildMixin],
  components: {
    "company-positions-table": ChildrenTable,
    "company-position-details": ChildDetails,
    "company-position-tasks": ItemElements

# Children table

# Import:

import ChildrenTable from "@/utils/crud/components/ChildrenTable.vue"

# Props:

Name Description Type Required Default
title - String false -
fieldsInfo - Array false -
createMode - Boolean false true
editMode - Boolean false true
deleteMode - String false 'soft'
customHeaderButtons - Array false
customButtons - Array false
itemElements - Object false -
editButton - Boolean false true
meta - Array false
primaryKey - String false 'id'
tableData - Array false
detailsLoader - Boolean false false

# Slots:

Name Description Default Slot Content Slot scope
field:[name] Slot for custom list item field template ListItemField component { value, item }

If standard configuration of ChildrenTable component is not enough for you, you can customize it with slots:

      :table-data="childrenList(fileteredTableFields, [], 'id', childItemName, 'active')"
      <!-- Example of slot usage: -->
      <template #field:name="{ value }">
        <strong>{{ value }}</strong>

import FieldsInfoMixin from '../../positions/mixins/fields.js'
import LocalesMixin from '../../positions/mixins/locales.js'
import CompanyPositionsChildMixin from "@/utils/crud/mixins/child.js";
import ChildrenTable from "@/utils/crud/components/ChildrenTable.vue";

export default {
  mixins: [FieldsInfoMixin, LocalesMixin, CompanyPositionsChildMixin],
  components: {
    "company-positions-table": ChildrenTable,

# field:[name]

Dynamic slot for selected field in table/tree.

Slot scope: { value, item, }


<template #field:name="{ value }">
  <span style="color:red;">{{ value }}</span>

# MixIns:


# Example:

      :table-data="childrenList(fileteredTableFields, [], 'id', childItemName, 'active')"

import FieldsInfoMixin from '../../positions/mixins/fields.js'
import LocalesMixin from '../../positions/mixins/locales.js'
import CompanyPositionsChildMixin from "@/utils/crud/mixins/child.js";
import ChildrenTable from "@/utils/crud/components/ChildrenTable.vue";

export default {
  mixins: [FieldsInfoMixin, LocalesMixin, CompanyPositionsChildMixin],
  components: {
    "company-positions-table": ChildrenTable,

# Child details

# Import:

import ChildrenTable from "@/utils/crud/components/ChildrenTable.vue"

# Props:

Name Description Type Required Default
details - Object false -
fieldsInfo - Array false -

# Slots:

Name Description Default Slot Content Slot scope
title - Title { title }
over-fields - - -
field:[name] Slot for custom item details field template ItemDetailsField component *See below
under-fields - - -
custom-actions - - -

If standard configuration of ChildDetails component is not enough for you, you can customize it with slots:

      <!-- Example of slot usage: -->
      <template #under-fields>
        Lorem ipsum...

import FieldsInfoMixin from '../../positions/mixins/fields.js'
import LocalesMixin from '../../positions/mixins/locales.js'
import CompanyPositionsChildMixin from "@/utils/crud/mixins/child.js";
import ChildDetails from "@/utils/crud/components/ChildDetails.vue";

export default {
  mixins: [FieldsInfoMixin, LocalesMixin, CompanyPositionsChildMixin],
  components: {
    "company-position-details": ChildDetails,

# title

Slot for dialog title.

Slot scope: {}


<template #title>

# over-fields

Slot for content over the item fields.

Slot scope: {}


<template #over-fields>
  Lorem ipsum...

# field:[name]

Dynamic slot for selected field.

Slot scope: { value, fieldType, field, reload, rules, changeValue, }


<template #field:name="{ value, changeValue }">
    style="border: 1px solid black"
<template #field:code="{ value, changeValue }">
    style="border: 1px solid black; color: white; background-color: red;"

# under-fields

Slot for content under the item fields.

Slot scope: {}


<template #under-fields>
    Lorem ipsum...

# custom-actions

Slot for custom actions.

Slot scope: {}


<template #custom-actions>
  <button>Custom action</button>

# Example:


import FieldsInfoMixin from '../../positions/mixins/fields.js'
import LocalesMixin from '../../positions/mixins/locales.js'
import CompanyPositionsChildMixin from "@/utils/crud/mixins/child.js";
import ChildDetails from "@/utils/crud/components/ChildDetails.vue";

export default {
  mixins: [FieldsInfoMixin, LocalesMixin, CompanyPositionsChildMixin],
  components: {
    "company-position-details": ChildDetails,