# Authentication

# About

The authentication system is based on the token obtained during logging. The token is stored in browser's local storage and is then automatically attached to each request's header.

# Logging in


No authorization header is attached to this request (more on this topic).

POST */auth/login


Field Type Description
email String User email
password String User password

Success 200:

Field Type Description
permissions String[] List of user permissions (Array of strings). The list is used to limit the modules displayed in the sidebar and to restrict access to selected modules.
token String Token generated by API. The token is attached to all next requests to authenticate the user.
user Object User data. Obligatory parameters: name, email.
      name String User name
      user String User email

Error 4xx:

Field Type Description
error String An error message

Error 5xx:

Field Type Description
error String An error message

# Module guard

The query is performed when switching to the new page and is used to verify if the user still has a valid token.

GET */auth/user


Field Type Description
- - -

Success 200:

Field Type Description
- - -


Field Type Description
error String An error message

# Logging off


Authorization header is not obligatory (more on this topic).

POST */auth/logout


Field Type Description
- - -

Success 200:

Field Type Description
status Number 0


Field Type Description
error String An error message